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Self-study: Improving Your IVP Practice with Core Competencies (Webinar 1 of 6)

Safe States Self-Study Training 


"Improving Your Injury and Violence Prevention

Practice: How the Core Competencies

Can Work for You"



This is Webinar #1 in a six-part series entitled “Improving your Injury and Violence Prevention Practice with the Core Competencies.” The series is presented by the Southeastern and Southwestern Injury Prevention Network and the Safe States Alliance.

  • In this webinar series, experienced professionals in the field discuss how they use the Core Competencies for Injury and Violence Prevention (IVP) to develop and advance their own skills, as well as those of staff they manage. The Core Competencies can provide a roadmap for gaining or strengthening the essential knowledge, skills and behaviors needed to grow professionally; develop, implement and evaluate IVP programs and policies; and strengthen the field and practice of IVP.

  • Webinar #1 provides the rational for this series, highlighting the ways the competencies can help participants in their work. Webinars #2-6 address Core Competencies for IVP #1-7, and core competencies #8-9 are addressed throughout each presentation.

  • This webinar series is relevant to those with a variety of experiences and/or years of service, including:

    • Professionals working in IVP and/or other areas of public health
    • Individuals anywhere along the spectrum of professional development –those new to public health and/or IVP, and those who have been working for several years and want to further develop their competencies.     


Learning Objectives

As a result of participating in this self-study training, participants will:  


  • Gain an understanding of how the core competencies can help you to develop professionally and improve your IVP work
  • Learn about and be able to explain the common competencies used in unintentional and intentional injury prevention
  • Understand how the competencies cross-link injury and violence prevention to the broader practice of public health and the delivery of essential public health services in any program area or setting
  • Understand the relevance of core competencies within the context of the history of injury and violence prevention through the stories of experienced professionals
  • Understand the organization, purpose and key content of each session in this webinar series           


  • Shelli Stephens-Stidham, Director of the Injury Prevention Center of Greater Dallas, Dallas, TX
  • Tom Songer, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Mary Ann Contreras, Violence and Injury Prevention Manager, JPS Health Network, Fort Worth, TX
  • Kristen Lindemer, Program Coordinator, Safe States Alliance, Atlanta, GA

Continuing Education


This self-study training is designated for: (1) Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES) to receive up to 1.0 total Category I continuing education contact hour, and (2) for professionals with a Certificate of Public Health (CPH) to receive 1.0 CPH Recertification Credit. 


Continuing education credits are offered for this training for Safe States members. These include credits for individuals who are Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) and Certified in Public Health (CPH)

Training Instructions

To complete this training, you will need to:  


  1. Participate in the training by accessing the recorded webinar and additional resources:
    Recorded Webinar #1
    Webinar #1 Slides
    Resource Page Webinar #1

  2. Complete the online evaluation, which includes questions for you to report CPH or CHES continuing education credits for this training. Please note, you must complete this online evaluation and its CPH and/or CHES questions in order for Safe States to submit your CPH and/or CHES credits to the respective CEU providers 

  3. Create your certificate of completion.          


If you encounter any technical difficulties related to this training, please contact the Safe States Alliance at or (770) 690-9000.